
Biodiversity Celebration Book

Creative Triangle recently had the honour of collaborating with Heathrow’s Environmental Team in Engineering to commemorate a significant milestone: 15 years of receiving the Biodiversity Benchmark award. Our task was to create a 32-page book that not only celebrates this achievement but also underscores Heathrow’s commitment to biodiversity and environmental stewardship.

The challenge:

Heathrow is dedicated to managing approximately 170 hectares across 13 sites for nature conservation, accounting for about 14% of the airport’s total area. The challenge was to encapsulate Heathrow’s extensive efforts, plans, and the hurdles they navigate in fostering biodiversity within the bustling environment of one of the world’s busiest airports. The book needed to highlight their strategic plan, the challenges encountered, future outlooks, accolades, and their engagement with community and sustainability initiatives, all while being visually engaging and informative.

The solution:

To meet this challenge, Creative Triangle designed a book that strikes a perfect balance between informative content and visual appeal. Utilising a blend of stunning photography from Heathrow’s conservation sites and our custom illustrations, we crafted a narrative that vividly brings to life Heathrow’s biodiversity efforts. The design approach was meticulously planned to ensure that each page reflected the significance of their work and the beauty of the natural spaces they protect, making the complex topic of biodiversity both accessible and engaging. In producing the book, we embraced sustainability to match the content’s ethos. Using FSC and Carbon Capture accredited paper, 100% recycled cover boards, biodegradable lamination, wheat-based glue, and recycled thread for binding, we ensured the book’s production was environmentally responsible, reflecting Heathrow’s dedication to conservation and sustainability.

The impact:

The finished book was a resounding success, earning praise from Heathrow’s CEO, Thomas Woldbye, and accolades from the Environmental Engineering team, with our main contact on the team remarking:

“We’ve had the pleasure of working with Creative Triangle and can attest to their exceptional professionalism and expertise. The CT team helped to design the book called “Seasons,” that explores the biodiversity of Heathrow Airport. Highly recommended for excellence and patience!”